Friday, November 2, 2012

Why I Joined Twitter: Part 2

What a time to join a micro-blogging network! I'd composed a few Tweets before Hurricane Sandy, but what a great tool for breaking news! As soon as the danger of the storm became real, I was able to email concerned family and friends with the URL to my Twitter account and give them a play by play of how we were experiencing the storm. Facebook seems to hold this gravitas of Announcement to me, a declaration that "I am doing this, and I stand for these things as a person", whereas Twitter seems a bit more forgiving and only declarative of current circumstances. While Facebook has moved to viewing posts through a more historic lens, emphasizing life events and the changes one goes through in their lives (see: timeline), each Tweet supersedes the last.

Of course I'm over-thinking this just a bit, but I was really pleased with how easy it was and how it was the perfect communication tool for getting information out to my family. Instead of wasting texts and battery power briefing every family member keeping tabs on me in the Midwest, I was able to point them to a single source from me as well as other, more professional sources from those I follow, including The New York Times, The Atlantic, Nate Silver, Ezra Klein, WNYC, etc. for both local and national views on the developments.

In short, I think I'm hooked. I have yet to see whether my actual Tweeting will be of any import, but at the very least I love sharing articles and opinions of those I'm following without having it feel like I have something to prove to all of my high school classmates and far-flung relatives. Facebook certainly does have a place in my social network existence, but I'm really enjoying this new discovery. For now.

P.S. SM and I are still without power or running water (day 4...we expect everything to be on tomorrow), but our friends have been kind enough to give us access to their apartment for showers and Internet. Everyone has been really great through this whole thing, and I'm grateful to have so many great friends and family in my life. Also, I called and emailed my dad, so there's that.

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